Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Iambic Pentameter - Stovall Saloon

The set began with a twanging banjo
A fiddle joined in with a steel guitar
The dance hall was once a white wooden barn
Many years of wear show on rutted floors
The Missouri Valley Boys had all ears
The floor was filled with multicolored boots
More than a few cowboy hats could be seen
A good time for all at the honky tonk

Horatian Ode - Sista' Friends!

My girl Terica is a true friend.
We're slacker, Honor-girls 'til the end!

Dear Jenn is the most happenin' girl I know,
But to me, she'll always be little Pasuto.

Amae, now that girl is good lookin'!
And let's not forget her pretty good cookin'!

My Cuban Michelle can sure dance and swing,
The only one I know that makes plaintains sing.

Angy's heart was stole by an Englishman.
I'll have to jump the Pond to go see 'em.

My dear Olivia is a perfectionist,
Never leaves home without a detailed list.

Red-headed Mickey, she's dramatic.
When it comes to cards, she's fantastic!

As a group, we are truly blessed,
And let's admit, we're also the best dressed!

(Click on the image above to go to the artist's site on DeviantArt. While you are there, check out my site on DeviantArt!)

Haiku - Pretty Chill

Crystal chilly air
Falling snowflakes everywhere
Icy fingers grip

A cold white blanket
Frozen beautiful tree limbs
Swirls of steamy breath

Ice and snow bringing
The quiet winter hush
Sharply soft whispers

(click image above to visit the artist's site on DeviantArt. And while you're there, check out my site on DeviantArt.)

Commission - Christmas Cookies

Its that special time of year again,
Making cookies for family and friends!

For my mom who is so sweet,
An angel cookie as a treat.

My dad, he likes his food spicy.
For him a ginger cookie with icing.

My sister likes her colors bold.
Her cookie will be red, green, and gold.

My big brother is very brave.
A great big cookie for him I'll save!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Apparently I've garnered a little attention. That's kinda exciting!

A dear friend of mine, Vanessa, has asked me to write a short rhyming poem for her elementary Christmas program. Fun! My theme is "Christmas Cookies." I'm workin' on it, hope to have it here soon.

Thanks to the people who are reading this blog! I'm really enjoying myself, being silly and creative. Feedback is appreciated, so feel free to leave a comment.

Peace & Love,
Beth :D

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Epithalamium Poem - The Artist & the Musician

Cyber fate
Brought about their first date
Creative passion
Sparked a mutual attraction
Falling fast
It is a love sure to last
His funky style
Makes her heart warmly smile
Her artsy quirks
For him, it truly works
Its together, no other way
Meant to be
Its plain to see!

(Just in case you were wondering, that's my hubby and I up there. I love him!)

Epitaph Poem - Poor Steve

Here interred is the dude named Steve,
Who kicked the bucket last Hallow's Eve.
The doctors say it was a heart attack,
But they weren't there to get the facts.
Steve was known for playing guitar,
But that night the band went too far.
That autumn night the air was thick
And the band, their playing was truly sick.
Some claim they know Steve was drunk,
The truth is there was too much funk!

(Steve is a friend of Hubby and I's. He's alive and kicking, so don't worry! Check out his band, Lowdown Fancy.)

Epigram Poem - Shoes!

When on a shopping trip,
I love a good shoe!
Hubby says I have enough.
He is really a fool!

"You have too many!"
He proclaims so loud.
But hidden in his closet,
His shoe stash I've found!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Breaktime - Favorite Poem

Just to break up the monotony, here's one of my favorite poems.

hist whist

little ghostthings



little twitchy

witches and tingling


hob-a-nob hob-a-nob

little hoppy happy

toad in tweeds


little itchy mousies

with scuttling

eyes rustle and run and



whisk look out for the old woman

with the wart on her nose

what she’ll do to yer

nobody knows

for she knows the devil ooch

the devil ouch

the devil

ach the great








ee cummings

Elegy Poem - Leonardo

Upon his death bed he said

"I have offended God and Mankind"

Such a silly thought

For such a brilliant man

The man named Da Vinci

How could he think such?

He painted so much mystery

In Mona's mischeivious smile

Dramatic Monologue - FEARS

There are things I fear

That scuttle about in the night.

I see you there, with your eight legs.

There are things I fear

That descend from space to take me away.

I see you there, with your green bulbous eyes.

There are things I fear

That laugh and hide their faces.

I see you there, with your red foam nose.

You're my worst nightmare.

Couplet Poem - PB & J

My puppies are the funniest in the land,

I suppose that's why I'm their #1 fan.

To begin, their names are kinda silly.

One is Peanut Butter, the other Jelly.

At times they bark, yelp, and sing.

Their doggy songs are really something.

They do tricks galore for a treat.

My puppies really are quite sweet.

Classicism Poem - God & Adam

Flowing pictures on the ceiling,

Lines and shapes full of feeling.

The colors glow in the light,

Lit at night by candlelight.

The tales are old, the morals new,

Set there for all to view.

The stories always remain pristine

Upon the ceiling of the Sistine.

Cinquain Poem - Graveyard

(first line is title of poem)

Sleeping dead
Ghosts quietly creeping
Silent shivers, desperate glances
Such love in the leaving

Deadly weight
Hushed creatures crawling
Transparent entities, obviously otherworldly
Pale signals in the night

Canzone Poem - Dead Do Walk

A new day dawned,

Few birds were heard.

It became apparent that the dead were alive.

So began the living's fight to survive.

They scrambled to gather supplies.

A general rule seemed to arise.

If you don't have a good gun,

You won't get to have any fun.

The living made plans to escape,

To make it past the dead outside.

They wandered moaning in the street -

Kill every fraggin' zombie you meet!

They struck out with vigor!

They set out with rage!

The living struggled all through the night,

But the dead were just too many to fight.

The living made a valiant effort,

But their lives were cut short.

Satisfied with a kill so fresh,

The dead feasted on the living's flesh.

That day the dead prevailed,

And their war cry was wailed -


(I feel this is the weakest one yet. Just doesn't seem to hook..)

Carpe Diem Poem - First Light to Starlight

As the sun rises in the Eastern sky
I pledge to not let the day slip by.

As the air warms at midday
I work to keep worries at bay.

As the evening air cools the night
My tries will be with all my might.

As the stars appear one by one
I know my work was rightly done.

Burlesque Poem - Political Manuering

The elephants are wide and self concerned.
"Less is more!" they trumpet.

The donkeys are stubborn and staunch.
"More is more!" they neigh.

The tea sippers are loud and loud.
"Listen to me!" they yell.

But, no matter what noise you make,
One truth is true for all -

Everyone poops!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bio Poem - I Am Like

Like Georgia O’Keeffe, I am an artist.

Like Elizabeth Ann Seton, I am a teacher.

Like Neil Gaiman, I am a writer.

Like Leonardo da Vinci, I am a dreamer.

Like Charles Darwin, I am curious.

Like Sherlock Holmes, I am clever.

Like Elphaba Thropp, I am different.

Like I.M. Pei, I am an innovator.

Like Kathe Kollowitz, I am strong.

Like no one else, I am me.

Ballad Poem - The Ballad of Lucky Moe

Let me tell you a tale of a girl named Moe.

She’s the luckiest girl around I know.

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

The bridge before her was rope and old.

But Moe supposed she ought to be bold.

She hurried across at close to a scamper.

Good thing too, as it went down behind her!

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

On a lovely day, Moe went to the zoo.

She wanted to see what she could find new.

She tsked as she discovered gum on her shoe,

But she ducked in time to avoid the flung poo!

Moe found a dollar in the street,

Decided a lotto ticket would be a treat.

Unfortunately she got a parking ticket,

But then won the money needed to pay it!

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

Recently Moe took a week long vacation,

But got there to find they lost her reservation.

She didn’t have to wander the Florida streets,

For they upgraded her to a swanky suite!

Moe went is search of a job,

But her degree was a bit of a prob.

Now she teaches at the local pool,

At their underwater basket-weaving school!

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

At Halloween Moe forgot to buy any candy.

But some other treats happened to be handy.

The children raved about her choice of handout.

Who knew so many liked fresh alfalfa sprouts?

Moe entered a fishing competition,

The theme was a rare fish exposition.

As you may expect it is more than chance,

That girl actually caught a coelacanth!

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

Moe had a wild weekend with her best friends,

Ended up misplacing some odds and ends.

She lost her puppy and her phone,

But both were there when she got home.

Moe doesn’t put much stock in superstition,

Her bad luck never comes to fruition.

When she stepped on a sidewalk crack,

She simply popped her mother’s back.

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

The only way Moe’s luck is poor

Is that she rarely has a date at her door.

Though she wishes, prays, and hopes,

All the guys she’s met have been dopes.

Perhaps she needed to help along fate.

She decided to seek a cyber date.

There she met a nice guy called Joe,

Who now is in love with the girl named Moe.

For Moe, its true, her luck is her best friend.

It’s more than a mere mortal can comprehend!

Ballade Poem - As It Should Be

“Why is the sky blue?”

The little boy asked.

“Why is the grass green?”

“Why are oranges orange?”

“Why are my eyes brown?”

His mother calmly replied

“That’s just the color it should be.”

“Why are apples red?”

The little boy asked.

“Why are grapes purple?”

“Why is our dog brown?”

“Why is out cat white?”

His father calmly replied

“That’s just the color it should be.”

“Why is the sun yellow?”

The little boy asked.

“Why is our car blue?”

“Why are frogs green?”

“Why are pumpkins orange?”

His teacher calmly replied

“That’s just the color it should be.”

With some blue paint, he painted his face from ear to ear.

“Why?” his mother asked.

The little boy calmly replied

“That’s the color it should be.”

Blank Verse - Fruitiness

Scarlett cherries so pretty on the branch.
Yellow lemons so fresh and citrusy.
Little green key limes in my key lime pie.
Fuzzy peach peaches in a peach peach bowl.
How orange my oranges are in the sunlight.
Pineapple can be a tropical treat.
Apples come in red and green and yellow.
Pretty pink strawberries on my short cake.

(Yeah, I know I made up a word there...)

ABC Poem - How Luck is Made

Midnight in the garden of superstition,

No luck if it weren’t for bad luck.

One black cat prowls the paths,

Pitching salt across its shoulder.

She carries a basket to harvest the rabbit feet.

Skulls with grins guard the gate.

The fence design swirls with spades.

Under a ladder the four-leaf clovers grow.

Velvet stars streak the evening sky.

Her plans are based on the advice of fortune cookies.

Acrostic Poem - Peanut Butter Time!

Oh, how I love Peanut Butter!

I could Eat it all day,

But it would give me Acid reflux,

And that would Not be fun.

Unless I take some Tums!

I love iT with jelly,

Or Bananas,

Or nUtella.

I’d eaT it with honey.

I’d like To try it with bacon,

Or Even marshmallows.

Sounds maRvelous to me!


Write, Beth, Write!

Here goes. The English teacher next door assigns a Poetry Notebook Project every year to her Creative Writing class. I have two students in my first hour that were complaining about/discussing the project yesterday. As a bit of a challenge to myself, I decided I would do the project too, as a creative exercise.

Mrs. M gives the students a specific outline of what she expects along with descriptions of 51 different types of poems. Students are asked to choose 20. Upon reviewing the information, I think I can do all 51. Now 52, since she gave me one more this morning.

The first thing I did upon receiving the information - the same assignment packet the students get- was to read through and take notes. Between yesterday and today, I've spent about half an hour asking questions and getting clarification from Mrs. M. She's being very supportive of my mission.

I'm off to a running start. Hopefully I can keep up the momentum.

Peace, SeeBethWrite