Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Irregular Ode - Faberge Spider



Too many legs, too many

Crunchy, hard, segmented

Expensive jewels
Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, opals, topaz, gold and silver and platinum


Idyll Poem - English Countryside

aka - The most boring poem I've written thus far. Nonetheless, here it is!

Beside an old stone cottage
A graceful garden grows
All colors, shapes, and sizes
Bloom and climb row by row

Flowers tumble with English charm
Delicate blooms scent the air
Bluebells, poppies, snapdragons, more
This garden grows with love and care

Sunflowers track the midday sun
Soft tendrils stretch a pretty vine
Night blooming jasmine drapes a wall
At dawn the morning glories shine

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Iambic Pentameter - Stovall Saloon

The set began with a twanging banjo
A fiddle joined in with a steel guitar
The dance hall was once a white wooden barn
Many years of wear show on rutted floors
The Missouri Valley Boys had all ears
The floor was filled with multicolored boots
More than a few cowboy hats could be seen
A good time for all at the honky tonk

Horatian Ode - Sista' Friends!

My girl Terica is a true friend.
We're slacker, Honor-girls 'til the end!

Dear Jenn is the most happenin' girl I know,
But to me, she'll always be little Pasuto.

Amae, now that girl is good lookin'!
And let's not forget her pretty good cookin'!

My Cuban Michelle can sure dance and swing,
The only one I know that makes plaintains sing.

Angy's heart was stole by an Englishman.
I'll have to jump the Pond to go see 'em.

My dear Olivia is a perfectionist,
Never leaves home without a detailed list.

Red-headed Mickey, she's dramatic.
When it comes to cards, she's fantastic!

As a group, we are truly blessed,
And let's admit, we're also the best dressed!

(Click on the image above to go to the artist's site on DeviantArt. While you are there, check out my site on DeviantArt!)

Haiku - Pretty Chill

Crystal chilly air
Falling snowflakes everywhere
Icy fingers grip

A cold white blanket
Frozen beautiful tree limbs
Swirls of steamy breath

Ice and snow bringing
The quiet winter hush
Sharply soft whispers

(click image above to visit the artist's site on DeviantArt. And while you're there, check out my site on DeviantArt.)

Commission - Christmas Cookies

Its that special time of year again,
Making cookies for family and friends!

For my mom who is so sweet,
An angel cookie as a treat.

My dad, he likes his food spicy.
For him a ginger cookie with icing.

My sister likes her colors bold.
Her cookie will be red, green, and gold.

My big brother is very brave.
A great big cookie for him I'll save!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Apparently I've garnered a little attention. That's kinda exciting!

A dear friend of mine, Vanessa, has asked me to write a short rhyming poem for her elementary Christmas program. Fun! My theme is "Christmas Cookies." I'm workin' on it, hope to have it here soon.

Thanks to the people who are reading this blog! I'm really enjoying myself, being silly and creative. Feedback is appreciated, so feel free to leave a comment.

Peace & Love,
Beth :D